Spomenik Pobednik nalazi se na najvišem bedemu Kalemegdanske tvrđave i predstavlja jedan od simbola grada Beograda. Pre nego što posetite ovaj spomeni, bilo bi dobro da znate kako je on nastao i šta zašto nosi taj naziv.

Još pre Prvog svetskog rata krenula je ideja da se u Beogradu podigne spomenik koji će simbolizovati konačnu pobedu nad Turcima. Prvobitna ideja bila je da spomenik čini fontana sa petostepenim stubom (simbol petovekovne turske vladavine), na čijem vrhu će se nalaziti figura Pobednika. Plan je bio da se ta fontana postavi na Terazijama. Međutim, dok je vajar ivan Meštrović radio na njemu, počeo je Prvi svetski rat i pod austrijskim ultimatumom on napušta Beograd.


Nakon završetka rata nije bilo dovoljno sredstava da se ceo spomenik izgradi, pa je izlivena samo figura Pobednika. Ubrzo je postalo sporno i mesto na kojem će se spomenik postaviti. Kako javnost nije bila za to da se spomenik kako takav postavi na Terazijama na kraju je postignut dogovor da se postavi na platou Beogradske tvrđave.


Spomenik je svečano otkriven 7. oktobra 1928, na desetogodišnjicu proboja Solunskog fronta. Zbog svega toga, kao i zbog promene prvobitne ideje, ovaj spomenik danas ima simboliku pobede u Velikom ratu i proboju Solunskog fronta.




The Winner monument is located on the highest level of Kalemegdan fortress and is one of the symbols of the city of Belgrade. Before you visit this site, it would be nice to know how it originated and why it was named like this.

Even before the First World War, there was idea of building this monument. The idea was to build the monument in Belgrade that will symbolize the final victory over the Turkish empire. The original idea was to build the fountain with a five-step column (a symbol of five-century Turkish rule), on which the figure of the Winner will be. The plan was to place this fountain on Terazije. However, while the sculptor Ivan Mestrovic worked on it, the First World War began and, under an Austrian ultimatum, he left Belgrade.

After the end of the war, there was not enough resources to build the entire monument, so only the figure of the Victim was poured out. Soon there was a controversy about the place where the monument would be placed. The people didn’t want the monument to be placed on Terazije and the final agreement was to be place it on the highest level of the Belgrade Fortress.

The monument was opened on October 7, 1928, at the 10th anniversary of the breakthrough of the Thessaloniki front. Because of all this, as well as because of the change of the original idea, this monument now has the symbolism of victory in the Great War and the breakthrough of the Thessaloniki front.



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