Narodni muzej u Beogradu je najstarija muzejska ustanova u Srbiji. Nakon dugogodišnje rekonstrukcije, 2018. godine na Vidovdan ponovo je otvoren za javnost. Međutim, ono što mnogi ne znaju jeste šta se nekada nalazilo na tom mestu muzejske zgrade na Trgu Republike i kako je muzej tu dospeo?
Na mestu na kojem se danas nalazi Narodni muzej, bila je najpoznatija beogradska kafana – Dardaneli. U njoj se okupljala sva kulturna i umtenička elita ovog grada. Međutim, transormacijom Trga kafana je srušena i 1903. godine podignuta je zgrada koja je i danas tu.
U zgradi u kojoj se danas nalazi Narodni muzej bila je uprava fondova, a potom i Hipotekarna banka. Tek 1952. godine ona postaje sedište Narodnog muzeja. Ipak, ovaj muzej osnovan je dosta godina pre toga, još 1844. godine. Na početku se nalazio u prostorijama Kapetan Mišinog zdanja, a potom u zgradama koje su srušene tokom Prvog svetskog rata. Nakon toga, jedan period muzej se nalazio u Novom dvoru, ali onda je on adaptiran za potrebe Skupštine Srbije.
Ipak, ni tada Narodni muzej nije našao svoje mesto u ovom gradu, pa je prebačen u zgradu Berze na Studentskom trgu. Deo umetničke kolekcije morao je da bude u Konaku kneginje Ljubice. Tada je raspiran konkurs za izgradnju zgrade muzeja na Tašmajdanu. Ubrzo nakon toga, Narodni muzej je premešten u zgradu u kojoj se danas nalazi, a Hipotekarna banka je iseljena. Zgrada je adaptirana i od tog trenutka Narodni muzej nalazi se na Trgu Republike, tako da svi misle da je tu bio oduvek.
The National Museum in Belgrade is the oldest museum institution in Serbia. After years of reconstruction, on Vidovdan 2018. it was again open to the public eye. However, what many people do not know is what was once located in that place of the museum building on the Republic Square and how did the museum get there?
At the place where the National Museum is today was the most famous Belgrade cafe – Dardaneli. It gathered all the cultural and artistic elites of this city. However, because of the renovation of the Square Dardaneli cafe was demolished and in 1903 a today building was built.
In the building where the National Museum is located today was The management of funds, and that, Hipotekarna bank. In 1952 that building became the seat of the National Museum. However, this museum was founded many years before, in 1844. Initially, he was in the Captain Misha Building, and then in the buildings that were destroyed during the First World War. After that, a National museum was in the New Palace, but then it was adapted for the needs of the Serbian Parliament.
However, even then the National Museum did not find its place in this city, so it was transferred to the Stock market building on Student square. Part of the art collection had to be in Residence of Princess Ljubica. After that, a competition for the construction of museum building on Tasmajdan was. Shortly after that, the National Museum was relocated to the building in which it is located today, and the Hipotekarna bank was evicted. The building is adapted and from that moment the National Museum is on the Republic Square, so everyone thinks it has always been there.