“Dobro došli u Zemun”: Crkva Svete Trojice u Zemunu

U serijalu tekstova “Dobro došli u Zemun” koji slede predstavićemo Vam lokacije koje u Zemunu, koje nikoga do sada nisu ostavile ravnodušnim. Ova opština nudi sve što čoveka zanima počevši od istorijskih građevina i ličnosti, noćni život, prelepu arhitekturu, čak i skrivene delove na prvi pogled neistražene, i jednostavno, svoj jedinstveni duh.

Na temeljima stare srpske bogomolje , godine 1842. počinje gradnja ovog jedinstvenog hrama. Nalazi se u Dobanovačkoj ulici u Gornjoj varoši, predgrađu zasnovanom u 18. veku. Dugogodišnjom borbom meštana da skupe donacije i dozvolu od austrijske vlasti, koja se žestoko protivila tome, a napokon im je to pošlo za rukom odobrenjem cara Franca.

Građena u baroknom stilu osveštena je 1842. godine. Porta ove Crkve verovatno je i najlepša u Zemunu. Ikone su rađene sa uljem na drvetu. Prva velika obnova bila je 1992. godine. Ruski emigrant Andrej Bicenko oslikao je u pevničkom prostoru Dete Hrista i Hrista sa decom. Odnedavno se u ovoj crkvi nalazi i ikona Jasenovačkih mučenika.

In the following series of texts “Welcome to Zemun”, we will present you locations in Zemun, which have not left anyone indifferent so far. This municipality offers everything a person is interested in, starting with historical buildings and personalities, nightlife, beautiful architecture, even hidden parts unexplored at first glance, and simply, its unique spirit.

On the foundations of the old Serbian place of worship, in 1842, the construction of this unique temple began. It is located in Dobanovačka Street in Gornja Varoš, a suburb founded in the 18th century. After a long-term struggle of the locals to collect donations and a permit from the Austrian authorities, which fiercely opposed it, they finally succeeded with the approval of Emperor Franz.

Built in the Baroque style, it was consecrated in 1842. The gate of this Church is probably the most beautiful in Zemun. The icons were made with oil on wood. The first major renovation was in 1992. Russian emigrant Andrei Bicenko painted the Christ Child and Christ with children in the choir area. Recently, there is also an icon of the martyrs of Jasenovac in this church.

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