“Moje putovanje kroz Novi Beograd”: Hotel Hyatt Regency

U serijalu tekstova “Moje putovanje kroz Novi Beograd” koji slede predstavićemo Vam lokacije na Novom Beogradu koje su od istorijskog značaja, kultna mesta koja čine ovu opštinu najinteresantnijom za turiste koji imaju želju da posete Beograd i Srbiju. Ova opština nudi niz zanimljivosti počevši od istorijskih građevina, noćni provod tokom cele nedelje, obilazak muzeja, verskih objekata, sportskih manifestacija, plovidba rekama i delova koji su poznati samo lokalcima, a koje kada ih jednom posetite – sigurno ćete poželeti i da im se vratite!

Hotel Hyatt Regency Belgrade pripada međunarodnoj grupi hotela čije sedište se nalazi u Cirihu. Nalazi se u Bloku 19 u blizini Poslovnog centra Ušće, istoimenog tržnog centra, kao i najvećeg kongresnog centra o kome smo pisali – Sava centra.

Prema svim parametrima, ocenjen je kao najluksuzniji hotel u državi i ove godine dobio je Mišelinovu preporuku za Metropolitan Grill Restaurant koji se nalazi u njemu. Prostire se na 8 spratova, od čeka su poslednja dva ekskluzivni deo hotela.

Prema komentarima svetskih putnika Hyatt predstavlja autentičan i moderan hotel sa najboljom lokacijom zbog blizine poslovno-kongresnih centara, u koji se rado vrate kada god posećuju glavni grad Srbije.

Od svog osnivanja 1990. godine, ugostio je brojne diplomate, vrhunske sportiste, političare, svetski poznate glumce.

In the series of texts “My journey through New Belgrade” that follows, we will present you locations in New Belgrade that are of historical importance, iconic places that make this municipality the most interesting for tourists who want to visit Belgrade and Serbia. This municipality offers a number of interesting things, starting with historical buildings, nightlife throughout the week, visiting museums, religious buildings, sports events, sailing on rivers and parts that are known only to locals, and which once you visit – you will definitely want to come back. ! Hotel Hyatt Regency Belgrade belongs to an international group of hotels whose headquarters are located in Zurich. It is located in Block 19, near the Ušće Business Center, the shopping center of the same name, as well as the largest congress center we wrote about – the Sava Center. By all parameters, it is rated as the most luxurious hotel in the country and this year it received a Michelin recommendation for the Metropolitan Grill Restaurant located in it. It covers 8 floors, the last two of which are an exclusive part of the hotel. According to the comments of world travelers, Hyatt represents an authentic and modern hotel with the best location due to its proximity to business and congress centers, to which they are happy to return whenever they visit the capital of Serbia. Since its foundation in 1990, it has hosted numerous diplomats, top athletes, politicians, and world-famous actors.

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