“Dobro došli u Zemun”: Široka staza u Zemunu

U serijalu tekstova “Dobro došli u Zemun” koji slede predstavićemo Vam lokacije koje u Zemunu, koje nikoga do sada nisu ostavile ravnodušnim. Ova opština nudi sve što čoveka zanima počevši od istorijskih građevina i ličnosti, noćni život, prelepu arhitekturu, čak i skrivene delove na prvi pogled neistražene, i jednostavno, svoj jedinstveni duh.

U delu Zemuna, među meštanima poznat kao Široka staza, nalazi se nekoliko ribljih restorana koji čuvaju mnogo tajne alaskog života Zemunaca.

U prelepom pogledu na Dunav možete pronaći svoj mir i osetiti čist hedonizam. Na ovom mestu zateći ćete prave zemunske alase kod kojih kao da je vreme stalo, i na tih nekoliko sati koje ćete provesti u ovoj oazi zaboravićete na sve probeleme.

In the following series of texts “Welcome to Zemun”, we will present you locations in Zemun, which have not left anyone indifferent so far. This municipality offers everything a person is interested in, starting with historical buildings and personalities, nightlife, beautiful architecture, even hidden parts unexplored at first glance, and simply, its unique spirit.

In the part of Zemun, known among the locals as Široka staza, there are several fish restaurants that keep many secrets of the Alaskan life of the people of Zemun.

In the beautiful view of the Danube you can find your peace and feel pure hedonism. In this place, you will find real Zemun alaskas where time seems to stand still, and for the few hours you will spend in this oasis, you will forget about all your problems.

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