“Duhovne znamenitosti Novog Sada”: Crkva Svetog Roka – Petrovaradin

U serijalu tekstova koji slede otkrićemo lokacije koje će Vam Novi Sad pokazati u najboljem svetlu, mesta koja ćete sigurno želeti da posetite opet i u koja ćete se zaljubiti! Ovaj grad pruža svakome od nas sve što poželi!

U petrovaradinskog delu zvanom Novi Majur 1808. godine sagrađena je Crkva Svetog Roka. Tokom rata između Mađara sa jedne, i Srba i Hrvata sa druge strane, došlo je do uništenja dokumenata koja su govorila o tragovima ove Crkve i njenom nastanku.

Kada se krene od Crkve postoji Križni put vodio je put prema simbolu Isusovog groba. Na Crkvi su se izdvajala tri raspeća, od kojih je jedno potpuno uništeno, dok su preostala oštećena ali primetna i dalje, i ona simbolizuju Isusovi smrt na Golgoti.

In the following series of articles, we will discover locations that Novi Sad will show you in the best light, places that you will definitely want to visit again and that you will fall in love with! This city gives each of us everything we want!

In 1808, the Church of Saint Roch was built in the part of Petrovaradin called Novi Majur. During the war between the Hungarians on the one hand, and the Serbs and Croats on the other, the documents that spoke about the traces of this Church and its origin were destroyed.

When you start from the Church, there is a Way of the Cross leading the way towards the symbol of Jesus’ grave. Three crucifixes stood out in the Church, one of which was completely destroyed, while the others were damaged but still visible, and they symbolize Jesus’ death on Golgotha.

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