“Duhovne znamenitosti Novog Sada”: Uspenska crkva u Novom Sadu

U serijalu tekstova koji slede otkrićemo lokacije koje će Vam Novi Sad pokazati u najboljem svetlu, mesta koja ćete sigurno želeti da posetite opet i u koja ćete se zaljubiti! Ovaj grad pruža svakome od nas sve što poželi!

Ova crkva je od izuzetne važnosti za pravoslavni narod i proglašena je spomenikom kulture.

Nalazi se u samom centru grada uz Srpsko narodno pozorište. Crkva je građena dva puta, a 1765. godine započeti su radovi na izgradnji većeg i lepšeg hrama. Današnji barokni toranj i oltar od ružičastog mermera simbol su ove neverovatne svetinje.

U porti su se nalazili grobovi i parohijski dom koji su razrušeni zbog izgradnje Srpskog narodnog pozorišta.

In the following series of articles, we will discover locations that Novi Sad will show you in the best light, places that you will definitely want to visit again and that you will fall in love with! This city gives each of us everything we want!

This church is of exceptional importance for the Orthodox people and has been declared a cultural monument.

It is located in the very center of the city next to the Serbian National Theater. The church was built twice, and in 1765, work began on the construction of a larger and more beautiful temple. Today’s baroque tower and pink marble altar are the symbol of this incredible sanctuary.

In the port there were graves and a parish house that were destroyed due to the construction of the Serbian National Theater.

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