“Duhovne znamenitosti Novog Sada”: Vladičanski dvor

U serijalu tekstova koji slede otkrićemo lokacije koje će Vam Novi Sad pokazati u najboljem svetlu, mesta koja ćete sigurno želeti da posetite opet i u koja ćete se zaljubiti! Ovaj grad pruža svakome od nas sve što poželi!

Lokacija ovog velelepnog zdanja je na kraju jedne od najpoznatijih novosadskih ulica, Zmaj Jovine. Kada budete videli o čemu je reč, shvatićete zašto veliki broj ljudi tvrdi da se radi o najznačajnijoj arhitektkonskoj građevini i Novom Sadu. Prvi dvor zidan je daleke 1741. godine, ali je nestao bombardovanjem grada 1849. Tvrdilo se da je lokacija bila nezadovoljavajuća zbog smrada i dreke koju su uzrokovale žabe i da zbog tih i sličnih problema nije gotovo niko ni žalio.

Međutim, iste te godine, napravljen je novi plan izgradnje oko kog je bilo problema obzirom da tadašnji čuveni arhitekta Vladimir Nikolić nije hteo da ga potpiše. Tu ulogu preuzeo je Ferenc Rajhl koji se pominje u citiranoj rečenici koja je ostala upamćena: ,,Napravio sam plan, Rajhl je potpisao, dvor se gradi i mirna Bačka”.

Danas ova građevina privlači pogled gotovo svakog prolaznika i velika većina zastane da pogleda ovu čuveno arhitektonsko zdanje.

In the following series of articles, we will discover locations that Novi Sad will show you in the best light, places that you will definitely want to visit again and that you will fall in love with! This city gives each of us everything we want!

The location of this magnificent building is at the end of one of the most famous streets in Novi Sad, Zmaj Jovina. When you see what it is about, you will understand why a large number of people claim that it is the most significant architectural building in Novi Sad. The first court was built way back in 1741, but it disappeared due to the bombing of the city in 1849. It was claimed that the location was unsatisfactory due to the stench and noise caused by frogs, and that almost no one complained about these and similar problems.

However, in the same year, a new construction plan was drawn up, which caused problems since the famous architect Vladimir Nikolić at the time did not want to sign it. That role was taken by Ferenc Reichl, who is mentioned in the quoted sentence that remained memorable: “I made a plan, Reichl signed, the palace is being built and Bačka is peaceful”.

Today, this building attracts the attention of almost every passer-by and the vast majority stop to look at this famous architectural building.

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