Nezaobilazno mesto svakog tursite u Beogradu, bilo da je vernik ili ne, jeste najveći pravoslavni hram na Balkanu – Hram Svetog Save. Izgradnja ovog Hrama počela je još 1935. godine, eksterijer je završen 2004, a unutrašnjost još uvek nije potpuno gotova. Hram Svetog Save gradi se od novca koji je prikupljen dobrotvornim prilozima.
Hram je simbolično podignut Vračaru, na mestu na kojem je Sinan-paša spalio mošti Svetog Save. Iako je krenuo da se zida još 1935. godine, to je ubzro prekinuto usled bombardovanja Beograda 1941. i početka Drugog svetskog rata u Srbiji. Nemaci su ga tokom rata koristili kao parkiralište.
Tek 1985. Patrijarh German ponovo je pokrenuo radove na Hramu. Te godine on je sa episkopima i sveštenstvom prvi put služio svečanu Liturgiju na ovom mestu. Dosta kasnije, 2001. godine, obnovljeno je Društvo za podizanje Hrama Svetog Save.
Hram Svetog Save nalazi se na površini od 3.500 kvatradnih metara, a visina kupole iznosi 70 metara . Glavni pozlaćeni krst koji se nalazi na vrhu kupole visok je 12 metara, a kako se i sam Hram nalazi na nadomorskoj visini, vidljiv je sa svih prilaza Beogradu. Upravo zbog toga, iako to možda niste planirali, kako god da dođete u ovaj grad imaćete želju da posetite Hram Svetog Save.
The inevitable place of every tourist in Belgrade, whether it is a religious or not, is the biggest Orthodox temple in the Balkan peninsula – the Temple of Saint Sava. The construction of this Temple began in 1935, the exterior was completed in 2004, and the interior is still not completely finished. The Temple of Saint Sava is built from the money collected by charitable contributions.
The temple was symbolically build in Vračar, at the place where Sinan Pasha burnt relics of St. Sava. Although Serbian people begin bulding of this temple in 1935, it was interrupted by Naci bombing of Belgrade in 1941 and the beginning of the Second World War in Serbia. During the war, the Germans used it as a parking lot.
Patriarch German re-launched works on the Temple in 1985. Later that year, Patriarch served liturgy for the first time at this place. Much later, in 2001, the Society for the Raising of the Temple of Saint Sava was renewed.
Temple of Saint Sava is located on an area of 3,500 square meters, and the height of the dome is 70 meters. The main gold-plated cross is located at the top of the dome, 12 meters high, and as the Temple itself, it is visible from all the ways leading to Belgrade. Because of this, although you may not have planned it, no matter how you have come to this city, you will have the desire to visit the Temple of Saint Sava.