“Moj dan u Knjaževcu”: Centar grada (2.deo)

Portal Glas Nacije u serijalu tekstova “Moj dan u Knjaževcu” će Vas odvesti na ovo mesto da Vam predstavi kulturne i ostale znamenitosti grada.

Ako Vas zanima u Zavičajnom muzeju Knjaževca možete videti jedinstvenu postavku dvopređnih vunenih čarapa i zbog toga je specifičan. Ime Knjaževac dobija 17. januara 1859. godine po Knjazu Milošu Obrenoviću. Preko puta Njegoševe ulici stoje Opština, a pored nje bista Miloša Obrenovića, po kojem grad nosi ime. Kada se od senika spustite ulicom suprotnom od putanje od koje ste došli, doćićete do trga na kojem je opštinska zgrada. U Njegoševoj ulici se nalazi kuća Ace Stanojevića, koja predstavlja jedan od muzeja grada.

Ova varoš nastala je na mestu ranijeg rimskog naselja. U neposrednoj blizini nalazi se rimsko utvrđenje Timacum Minus. Malo ispred stare čaršije nalazi se Spomen park Timočanima palim u borbama od balkanskih preko svetskih ratova. Panorama grada je izuzetno zanimljiva, kao i Gurgusovačka kula ili ,,Srpska Bastilja, nekadašnji zatvor za protivnike režima Karađorđevića.

Grad je najpoznatiji po vinovoj lozi i vinu, a u okolini ima dosta vinarija. Verujemo da se nećete pokajati dolaskom u ovaj grad na obali tri reke.

Portal Glas Nacije in the series of texts "My day in Knjaževac" will take you to this place to present you the cultural and other sights of the city.

If you are interested, in the Native Museum of Knjaževac you can see a unique display of double-spun woolen socks, which is why it is special.

It was named Knjaževac on January 17, 1859 after Prince Miloš Obrenović. Across Njegoševa Street stands the Municipality, and next to it is a bust of Miloš Obrenović, after whom the city is named. When you go down from the hayloft along the street opposite to the path you came from, you will reach the square where the municipal building is. Ace Stanojević's house is located in Njegoševa Street, which is one of the city's museums.

This town was created on the site of an earlier Roman settlement. In the immediate vicinity is the Roman fort Timacum Minus. A little in front of the old bazaar is the Memorial Park for the people of Timo who fell in the battles of the Balkan and World Wars. The panorama of the city is extremely interesting, as is the Gurgusovačka Tower or Serbian Bastille, a former prison for opponents of the Karađorđević regime.

The city is best known for its vines and wine, and there are many wineries in the area. We believe that you will not regret coming to this city on the banks of three rivers.

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