“Moje putovanje kroz Novi Beograd”: Most na Adi

U serijalu tekstova “Moje putovanje kroz Novi Beograd” koji slede predstavićemo Vam lokacije na Novom Beogradu koje su od istorijskog značaja, kultna mesta koja čine ovu opštinu najinteresantnijom za turiste koji imaju želju da posete Beograd i Srbiju. Ova opština nudi niz zanimljivosti počevši od istorijskih građevina, noćni provod tokom cele nedelje, obilazak muzeja, verskih objekata, sportskih manifestacija, plovidba rekama i delova koji su poznati samo lokalcima, a koje kada ih jednom posetite – sigurno ćete poželeti i da im se vratite!

Poslednji izrađeni most u Beogradu spaja tri opštine: Novi Beograd, Čukaricu i Savski venac. Saobraćaj se odvija i šinskim putem tj tramvajskim linijama. Plan za ovaj most osmišljen je još 1923. godine po ideji arhitekte Đorđa Kovaljevskog čija ideja je bila da on pređe preko Ade Ciganlije.

Zaniljivo je da je tokom avgusta 2011. godine, kada je most pušten za pešake, pokrenuta anketa kojom su stanovnici grada mogli da predlože naziv. Neka od predloženih imena su bila: Most Draže Mihajlovića, Most Zorana Đinđića, Harfa, Andićev most, a bilo je i dosta predloga da most ponese naziv jednog od najvoljenijeg i najcenjenijeg čoveka u novijoj srpskoj istoriji – Patrijarha Pavla.

Ipak, usvojen je naziv Most na Adi i zvanično je usvojen 15.12.2011. godine.

Slovenačka firma tvorac je idejnog rešenja i u konkurenciji od 11 ponuda je pobedila. Nikola Hajdin, projektant Novog železničkog mosta predsedavao je stručnim žirijem koji je doneo jednoglasnu odluku kome će se poveriti posao izgradnje ovog mosta od izuzetnog značaja za prestonicu, a podržano je i od strane Društva arhitekata Beograda.

Ovo čudo arhitekture krase Pilon koji je visok neverovatnih 200 metara sa kojeg se protežu zatege. Dužina mosta iznosi tačno 929 metara, a širina 45.04m.

Most je otvoren u novogodišnjoj noći dočeka 2012. godine uz vatromet koji je obeležen tačno u ponoć.

Ovo otvaranje obeležili su šetnjom preko mosta sa građanim i tadašnji predsednik države i gradonačelnik.

In the series of texts “My journey through New Belgrade” that follows, we will present you locations in New Belgrade that are of historical importance, iconic places that make this municipality the most interesting for tourists who want to visit Belgrade and Serbia. This municipality offers a number of interesting things, starting with historical buildings, nightlife throughout the week, visiting museums, religious buildings, sports events, sailing on rivers and parts that are known only to locals, and which once you visit – you will definitely want to come back. ! The last built bridge in Belgrade connects three municipalities: Novi Beograd, Čukarica and Savski venac. Traffic also takes place by rail, i.e. tram lines. The plan for this bridge was designed back in 1923 based on the idea of ​​architect Đorđe Kovaljevski, whose idea was to cross Ada Ciganlija. It is ironic that in August 2011, when the bridge was opened for pedestrians, a survey was launched, allowing the residents of the city to propose a name. Some of the proposed names were: Draža Mihajlović Bridge, Zoran Đinđić Bridge, Harfa, Andić Bridge, and there were also many proposals to name the bridge after one of the most loved and respected people in recent Serbian history – Patriarch Pavle. Nevertheless, the name Most na Ada was adopted and it was officially adopted on 15.12.2011. years. The Slovenian company is the creator of the conceptual solution and won the competition out of 11 bids. Nikola Hajdin, the designer of the New Railway Bridge, presided over the expert jury that made a unanimous decision to whom the work of building this bridge of exceptional importance for the capital will be entrusted, and it was also supported by the Association of Belgrade Architects. This marvel of architecture is adorned by the Pylon, which is an incredible 200 meters high, from which the cables extend. The length of the bridge is exactly 929 meters, and the width is 45.04 meters. The bridge was opened on New Year’s Eve 2012 with a fireworks display marked exactly at midnight. This opening was marked by a walk across the bridge with the citizen and the then president of the state and the mayor.

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