“Moje putovanje kroz Novi Beograd”: Savski most

U serijalu tekstova “Moje putovanje kroz Novi Beograd” koji slede predstavićemo Vam lokacije na Novom Beogradu koje su od istorijskog značaja, kultna mesta koja čine ovu opštinu najinteresantnijom za turiste koji imaju želju da posete Beograd i Srbiju. Ova opština nudi niz zanimljivosti počevši od istorijskih građevina, noćni provod tokom cele nedelje, obilazak muzeja, verskih objekata, sportskih manifestacija, plovidba rekama i delova koji su poznati samo lokalcima, a koje kada ih jednom posetite – sigurno ćete poželeti i da im se vratite!

Savski most spaja, preko istoimene reke, Novi Beograd sa starim delom grada. Od izuzetne je istorijske važnosti kako za grad tako i za celu državu. Nakon rušenja jedinog mosta preko Save, Mosta Kralja Aleksandra, tokom okupacije Beograda 1942. godine sagrađen je Savski most. Nemačka armija zvala ga je most princa Eugena i 1944. godine od miniranja i uništenja spasao ga je Miladin Zarić, učitelj iz Beograda.

Miladin je u zoru 20. oktobra, junačkim podvigom, presekao žice koje su spojili nemački vojnici sa eksplozivom i tako spasao jedini vid transporta preko reke. Ovaj herojski čin ekranizovan je i prikazan u TV seriji ,,Povratak otpisanih” u pretposlednjoj epizodi. Više puta pokrenuta je inicijativa da se promeni ime u ,,Most Miladin Zarić” ali je zvanično i dalje u proceduri.

Nakon rata, tačnije 1984. godine, na most su postavljene tramvajske šine koje su i danas u funkciji i preko kojeg se dolazi do Bloka 45 na Novom Beogradu.

Prema zvaničnim podacima, dnevno preko ovog istorijskog mosta pređe preko 30.000 vozila.

Stari savski most je jedini evropski most koji nije srušen tokom povlačenja Nemačke armije.

In the series of texts “My journey through New Belgrade” that follows, we will present you locations in New Belgrade that are of historical importance, iconic places that make this municipality the most interesting for tourists who want to visit Belgrade and Serbia. This municipality offers a number of interesting things, starting with historical buildings, nightlife throughout the week, visiting museums, religious buildings, sports events, sailing on rivers and parts that are known only to locals, and which once you visit – you will definitely want to come back. ! The Sava bridge connects New Belgrade with the old part of the city over the river of the same name. It is of exceptional historical importance both for the city and for the entire country. After the demolition of the only bridge over the Sava, the King Alexander Bridge, during the occupation of Belgrade in 1942, the Sava Bridge was built. The German army called it the bridge of Prince Eugene and in 1944 it was saved from being mined and destroyed by Miladin Zarić, a teacher from Belgrade. At dawn on October 20, Miladin, with a heroic feat, cut the wires that German soldiers had connected with explosives and thus saved the only form of transport across the river. This heroic act was screened and shown in the TV series “Return of the written off” in the penultimate episode. The initiative to change the name to “Miladin Zarić Bridge” has been launched several times, but it is officially still in the process. After the war, in 1984 to be precise, tram tracks were placed on the bridge, which are still in operation today and through which you can reach Block 45 in New Belgrade. According to official data, over 30,000 vehicles cross this historic bridge every day. The Old Sava Bridge is the only European bridge that was not destroyed during the retreat of the German Army.

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