U Dobračinoj ulici u Beogradu nalazi se Čukur česma. Od 1931. godine ova česma stoji na tom mestu, kako bi podsetila na jedan tragičan događaj koji se tu odigrao skoro pola veka ranije.


Šta se zapravo dogodilo? Te 1862. godine,  Turci su još uvek bili u Beogradu. Tog dana, dečak šegrt Sava Petković došao je Čukur česmu kako bi uzeo vode. Na spornom mestu on se susreo sa turskim vojnicima, koji su mu oteli testiju iz ruku. Kada je dečak Sava počeo da se brani, to je mnogo naljutilo turske vojnike koji su ga na mestu ubili.


Srpski žandarmi su uhapsili ubice, ali ostatak turskih vojnika im je pritekao u pomoć i ovaj incident je prerastao u veliki sukob u Beogradu. Srbi su zauzeli kapije Beograda i porušili ozloglašenu Stambol kapiju, a knez Mihailo je postavio ultimatum Turcima da do kraja dana napuste grad. Oni su odmah sutradan napali Beograd topovima.


Nakon dugih pregovora u koje su bile uključene velike evropske sile, Turci su pristali da napuste grad. Knez Mihailo je 1867. dobio ključeve Beogradske tvrđave. Zbog svega toga, ovaj iako tragičan događaj predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih u istoriji ovog grada. Danas se na Čukur česmi nalazi bronzana statua dečaka, kao spomenik incidentima sa tragičnim ishodom koji su prethodili oslobođenju ovog grada.




In Dobračina street in Belgrade there is Cukur fountain. Since 1931, this fountain is standing in that place to remind everyone of a tragic event that took place almost half a century earlier.

What actually happened? In 1862, the Turks were still in Belgrade. On that day, boy named Sava Petkovic came to Cukur fountain to take water. At that place he met with Turkish soldiers, who took him a pitcher from his hand. When the boy Sava began to defend himself, that made Turkish soldiers very angry and they killed him on this place.

Serbian police arrested the killers, but the rest of Turkish soldiers came to help them and this incident grew into a major conflict in Belgrade. Serbs took the gates of Belgrade and destroyed the notorious Stambol Gate. Knez Mihailo set an ultimatum to the Turks to leave the city by the end of the day. They immediately attacked Belgrade with cannons on the next day.

After long negotiations involving major European states, the Turks agreed to leave the city. In 1867, Knez Mihailo received the keys of the Belgrade Fortress. Because of this, although this was a tragic event, incident on the Cukur fountain is one of the most important in the history of this city. Today there is a bronze statue of a boy on the Cukur fountain, as a monument to incidents with a tragic outcome that preceded the liberation of this city.



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