“Dobro došli u Zemun”: Bogorodična crkva u Zemunu

U serijalu tekstova “Dobro došli u Zemun” koji slede predstavićemo Vam lokacije koje u Zemunu, koje nikoga do sada nisu ostavile ravnodušnim. Ova opština nudi sve što čoveka zanima počevši od istorijskih građevina i ličnosti, noćni život, prelepu arhitekturu, čak i skrivene delove na prvi pogled neistražene, i jednostavno, svoj jedinstveni duh.

U Rajačićevoj ulici nalazi se jedna od najlepših svetinja Zemuna, Crkva Rođenja Presvete Bogorodice. Na par desetina metara od Glavne ulice “krije” se ova crkva koja veoma znači svim pravoslavcima u gradu.

Godine 1776. položen je kamen temeljac na Starom jezgru Zemuna, kako se popularno zove, a izgradnju su finansirali Srbi, Grci i Cincari.Crkva je završena nakon četiri godine i krajem veka dobija i zvonik. Osniva se centar koji postaje crkvena, prosvetna i kulturna delatnost zemunskih Srba. Vremenom nastaju škola i biblioteka i 1909. godine gradi se Dom Srpske pravoslavne crkvene opštine, o čemu ste mogli da čitate u posebnom tekstu ovog serijala.

Bogorodičina crkva učestvuje u formiranju siluete grada s Gardoša, Ćukovca i Dunava.

In the following series of texts “Welcome to Zemun”, we will present you locations in Zemun, which have not left anyone indifferent so far. This municipality offers everything a person is interested in, starting with historical buildings and personalities, nightlife, beautiful architecture, even hidden parts unexplored at first glance, and simply, its unique spirit. In Rajačićeva Street, there is one of the most beautiful shrines in Zemun, the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A few tens of meters from the main street, this church is “hiding”, which means a lot to all the Orthodox in the city. In 1776, the foundation stone was laid on the Old Core of Zemun, as it is popularly called, and the construction was financed by Serbs, Greeks and Cincars. The church was completed after four years and at the end of the century it also got a bell tower. A center is founded, which becomes a church, educational and cultural activity of Zemun Serbs. Over time, a school and a library were created, and in 1909, the House of the Serbian Orthodox Church Municipality was built, which you could read about in a separate text of this series. The Church of the Virgin participates in the formation of the silhouette of the city from Gardoš, Ćukovac and the Danube.

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