“Dobro došli u Zemun”: Glavna ulica

U serijalu tekstova “Dobro došli u Zemun” koji slede predstavićemo Vam lokacije koje u Zemunu, koje nikoga do sada nisu ostavile ravnodušnim. Ova opština nudi sve što čoveka zanima počevši od istorijskih građevina i ličnosti, noćni život, prelepu arhitekturu, čak i skrivene delove na prvi pogled neistražene, i jednostavno, svoj jedinstveni duh.

Najprometnija ulica koju sa obe stranecelom njenom dužinom kraje fasade starog stila je svakako Glavna ulica u Zemunu. Prostire se od Trga Branka Radičevića, u narodu poznatom kao Muhar, pa sve do trga JNA. Dugačka je skoro 700 metara i njom prolazi 9 autobuskih linija.

U njoj se nalaze Zavičajni muzej Zemuna, i Dom Vazduhoplovstva Vojske Srbije, opera Madlenijanum, Glavna pošta i Nacionalna štedionica i u blizini GO Zemun uz još bitnih institucija. Asfaltirana je davne 1938. godine, a stari naziv nosila je po Josipu Brozu Titu i zvala se ulica Maršala Tita.

Glavna je veza sa ostatkom Beograda i jedan je od simbola Zemuna.

In the following series of texts “Welcome to Zemun”, we will present you locations in Zemun, which have not left anyone indifferent so far. This municipality offers everything a person is interested in, starting with historical buildings and personalities, nightlife, beautiful architecture, even hidden parts unexplored at first glance, and simply, its unique spirit. The busiest street, which is lined with old-style facades along its entire length, is certainly Main Street in Zemun. It stretches from Branko Radičević Square, popularly known as Muhar, all the way to JNA Square. It is almost 700 meters long and 9 bus lines pass through it. It houses the Native Museum of Zemun, the Home of the Air Force of the Serbian Army, the Madlenijanum Opera House, the Main Post Office and the National Savings Bank, and nearby GO Zemun along with other important institutions. It was asphalted back in 1938, and the old name was named after Josip Broz Tito and was called Maršala Tito Street. It is the main connection with the rest of Belgrade and is one of the symbols of Zemun.

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