“Dobro došli u Zemun”: Zgrada carinarnice

U serijalu tekstova “Dobro došli u Zemun” koji slede predstavićemo Vam lokacije koje u Zemunu, koje nikoga do sada nisu ostavile ravnodušnim. Ova opština nudi sve što čoveka zanima počevši od istorijskih građevina i ličnosti, noćni život, prelepu arhitekturu, čak i skrivene delove na prvi pogled neistražene, i jednostavno, svoj jedinstveni duh.

Ovaj objekat se nekada koristio za poslove carine, a sagrađen je davne 1781. godine. U prizemlju zgrade nalazio se magacin dok su na spratu bile kancelarije i stanovi činovnika. Zidana je u duhu klasicizma i ima status spomenika kulture. Nalazi se u Zmaj Jovinoj ulici na samom kraju, u blizini Dunava.

Danas se ovaj objekat koristi za stanovanje i u jednom delu nalazi se ugostiteljski objekat.

In the following series of texts “Welcome to Zemun”, we will present you locations in Zemun, which have not left anyone indifferent so far. This municipality offers everything a person is interested in, starting with historical buildings and personalities, nightlife, beautiful architecture, even hidden parts unexplored at first glance, and simply, its unique spirit.

This building was once used for customs duties, and was built back in 1781. On the ground floor of the building there was a warehouse, while on the first floor there were offices and clerks’ apartments. It was built in the spirit of classicism and has the status of a cultural monument. It is located in Zmaj Jovina Street at the very end, near the Danube.

Today, this building is used for housing and in one part there is a catering facility.

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