“Duhovne znamenitosti Novog Sada”: Jermenska crkva u Novom Sadu

U serijalu tekstova koji slede otkrićemo lokacije koje će Vam Novi Sad pokazati u najboljem svetlu, mesta koja ćete sigurno želeti da posetite opet i u koja ćete se zaljubiti! Ovaj grad pruža svakome od nas sve što poželi!

U 18. veku u Novom Sadu bilo je preko 150 Jermena, ali ih je vremenom zbog selidbi bilo sve manje. U tom periodu nastao je hram o kome jedva da potoje tragovi. Prema retkim informacijama zapisano je da je ta crkva završena 1746. godine, zna se da je bila posvećena Svecima Petru i Pavlu. Jermeni koji su je sagradili uz pomoc donacija bili su katolici, a na njihovu žalost Crkva je uništena u bombardovanju 12. juna 1849. godine.

Ponovnim donacijama obnovljena je 1872. a veliku pomoć pružila je izvesna Marija Trandafil. Prema poslednjim podacima poslednji živi Jermen u Novom Sadu bio je 1926. godine, nakon čega i crkva pada u zaborav. Prilikom proširenja Bulevara Maršala Tita 1963. godine odlučeno je da se crkva poruši i da se na tom mestu gde je bila obeleži da je nekada postojala. Društvo jermensko-srpskog prijateljstva iz Jerevana podiglo je hačkar u znak sećanja na jugoslovenske pilote koji su poginuli 1988. noseći pomoć, odmah pored mesta nekadašnje Crkve.

In the following series of articles, we will discover locations that Novi Sad will show you in the best light, places that you will definitely want to visit again and that you will fall in love with! This city gives each of us everything we want!

In the 18th century, there were more than 150 Armenians in Novi Sad, but over time, due to migrations, there were fewer and fewer of them. In that period, a temple was built, of which there are hardly any traces. According to rare information, it is recorded that the church was completed in 1746, it is known that it was dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul. The Armenians who built it with the help of donations were Catholics, and unfortunately for them, the Church was destroyed in the bombardment on June 12, 1849.

It was rebuilt in 1872 with repeated donations, and a certain Maria Trandafil provided great help. According to the latest data, the last living Armenian in Novi Sad was in 1926, after which the church fell into oblivion. During the expansion of Marshal Tito Boulevard in 1963, it was decided to demolish the church and mark the place where it once stood. The Armenian-Serbian Friendship Society from Yerevan erected a khachkar in memory of the Yugoslav pilots who died in 1988 carrying aid, right next to the site of the former Church.

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