Knez Mihailova, pešačka ulica u centru Beograda sigurno je najpoznatija ulica u ovom gradu. Posebno je značajna po starim kućama i građevinama koje se u njoj nalaze, a koje potiču još iz devetnaestog veka. U ovoj ulici nalazio se centar starog rimskog naselja Singidunum.


Prvi srpski urbanista, Emilijan Josimović je 1867. Godine sastavio regulacioni plan za izgradnju ove ulice. Građevine koje se nalaze u ovoj ulici veoma su značajne zato što predstavljaju prekid balkanskih i usvajanje evropskih stilova u arhitekturi u Srbiji.

U Knez Mihailovoj ulici nalaze se građanske kuće, hotel “Rusija”, kao i hotel “Srpska kruna” koji je sazidan u stilu romantizma. Osim toga, u ovoj ulici se nalazi i zgrada Srpske akademije nauka i umestnosti u okviru koje se nalaze biblioteka, arhiv i galerija SANU. Ispred te zgrade nalazi se piramida na kojoj su upisani geografska širina i dužina, nadmorska visina i ubrzanje zemljine teže u toj tački.

Danas je ova ulica neka vrsta trgovinskog centra Beograda. U njoj se nalaze mnogi restorani i kafići, čije su baste pune sa prvim zracima Sunca. Ne postoji osoba koja je jednom bila u Beogradu a da nije prošetala ovom ulicom. Zbog njege značajne istorije i svega što predstavlja, Knez Mihailova ulice će zauzeti posebno mesto u srcu svakog turiste.




Knez Mihailova Street, a pedestrian street in the center of Belgrade is certainly the most famous street in this city. It is especially important beacuse of the old houses and buildings, dating back to the nineteenth century. The center of the ancient Roman settlement Singidunum was in this street.

The first Serbian urbanist, Emilijan Josimović, composed a regulation plan for the construction of this street in 1867. Buildings of this street are very important because they represent breaking up with Balkan style and the adoption of European styles in architecture in Serbia.

In Knez Mihailova street there are civic houses, hotel “Russia”, as well as hotel “Serbian crown”, built in the style of romanticism. There is a building of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in this street, and in that building are located the library, archives and gallery of the SANU. In front of this building there is a pyramid on which are written the geographical latitude and length, altitude and acceleration of the earth at this point.

Today, this street is a kind of shopping center of Belgrade. It has many restaurants and cafes, which are filled with the first rays of the Sun. There is no person who once was in Belgrade without walking along this street. Due to the care of a significant history and everything it represents, Knez Mihailova Street will occupy a special place in the heart of every tourist.




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