“Moj dan u Knjaževcu”: Kuća Ace Stanojevića

Portal Glas Nacije u serijalu tekstova “Moj dan u Knjaževcu” će Vas odvesti na ovo mesto da Vam predstavi kulturne i ostale znamenitosti grada.

Kuća Ace Stanojevića- Gradska kuća.

U Njegoševoj ulici je smeštena  kuća Ace Stanojevića, koja predstavlja jedan od muzeja grada u kojem možete da videte kako se živelo u Knjaževcu iz tog perioda.

Ko je bio Aca Stanojević? Poznati radikal koji je sarađivao sa Pašićem. Bio je protivnik režima Milana Obrenovića. Rođen je u Knjaževcu, a bio je i predsednik Narodne skupštine.

Vreme nastanka kuće je bilo između 1910. i 1915. godine. Od 1989. godine objekat je pretvoren u muzejski prostor. Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture uspeva da sačuva pravo bogatstvo tog vremena.

Ispred kuće je popločano dvorište, sa zelenilom i divnom ogradom. U kuću se ulazi uz stepenice i u njoj je očuvano dosta stvari knjaževačih gradskih porodica. Takođe možete videti i lične stvari ove istorijske ličnosti. Spavaća soba – ormar, krevet sa ornamentalnim elementima u duborezu, komoda za umivanje sa pratećim predmetima od porcelana, krst, dve ikone i putna torba Ace Stanojevića sa njegovim inicijalima. U hodniku se nalaze lični predmeti Ace Stanojevića, njegova spisa, pisma, materijali i dokumentacija vezana za Radikalnu stranku, fotografije i sl. Postoji nameštaj iz 19. i 20. veka. dok je u donjem delu objekta galerija i sala za venčavanje.

Prikaz prave gradske kuće i nekadašnjeg enterijera.

Portal Glas Nacije in the series of texts "My day in Knjaževac" will take you to this place to present you the cultural and other sights of the city.

House of Ace Stanojević - Town house.

In Njegoševa Street, the house of Ace Stanojević is located, which is one of the city's museums where you can see how life was in Knjaževac from that period.

 Who was Aca Stanojević? A well-known radical who collaborated with Pašić. He was an opponent of Milan Obrenović's regime. He was born in Knjaževac, and he was also the president of the National Assembly.

The house was built between 1910 and 1915. Since 1989, the building has been turned into a museum space. The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments manages to preserve the real wealth of that time.

In front of the house is a paved yard, with greenery and a wonderful fence. The house is entered by stairs and many belongings of the princely families of the city have been preserved in it. You can also see the personal belongings of this historical figure. Bedroom - wardrobe, bed with ornamental elements in woodcarving, chest of drawers for washing with accompanying porcelain items, a cross, two icons and Ace Stanojević's travel bag with his initials. In the corridor are personal belongings of Ace Stanojević, his writings, letters, materials and documentation related to the Radical Party, photographs, etc. There is furniture from the 19th and 20th centuries. while in the lower part of the building there is a gallery and a wedding hall.

A representation of a real town house and its former interior.

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