“Moj dan u Knjaževcu” : Mostovi na Timoku

Portal Glas Nacije u serijalu tekstova “Moj dan u Knjaževcu” će Vas odvesti na ovo mesto da Vam predstavi kulturne i ostale znamenitosti grada.

Nekada su Knjaževac zvali “mali Pariz” ili “mala Venecija” zbog reka, čamaca i mostova. Stara čaršija i mostovi na Timoku jedni su od najprepoznatljivijih motiva opštine.

Izdvaja se pešački mosta preko Svrljiškog Timoka kod Doma kulture u Knjaževcu. Ovu živopisnu varošicu pored svih znamenitosti krase i mostovi, pet spajaju obale Svrljiškog Timoka, a dva mosta idu preko Trgoviškog Timoka. U samom gradu postoji 8 mostova uključijući i vijadukt na Čivličkoj reci.

Najstariji i najlepši knjaževački most nalazi se u centru varoši i spaja ulicu Knjaza Miloša i Trg oslobođenja, takozvani “kameni most”. Dužina mosta je 30 m, projektovan je 1913. godine , a u vreme podizanja bio je to prvi i najveći most od armiranog betona u Srbiji. U Kaplarovoj ulici, nalazi se betonski most ili „beli most“, sagrađen 1974. godine.

Na vodama Timoka, osim gradskih mostova na prostoru knjaževačke opštine ima dvadesetak mostova. Preko mnogobrojnih rečica podignuti su kameni, betonski ili gvozdeni mostovi, a u skoro svakom selu u opštini postoji most.

Prelaskom preko ovih mostva godinama su se stanovnici okolnih naselja kretali prema drugim naseljenim mestima i predelima.

Portal Glas Nacije in the series of texts "My day in Knjaževac" will take you to this place to present you the cultural and other sights of the city.

In the past, Knjaževac was called "little Paris" or "little Venice" because of the rivers, boats and bridges. The old bazaar and the bridges on Timok are one of the most recognizable motifs of the municipality.

The pedestrian bridge over Svrljiški Timok near the House of Culture in Knjaževac stands out. In addition to all the sights, this picturesque town is also adorned with bridges, five of which connect the banks of the Svrljiški Timok, and two bridges cross the Trgoviški Timok. There are 8 bridges in the city itself, including the viaduct on the Čivlička river.

The oldest and most beautiful Knjaževac bridge is located in the center of the town and connects Knjaza Miloša Street and Liberation Square, the so-called "stone bridge". The length of the bridge is 30 m, it was designed in 1913, and at the time of its construction it was the first and largest reinforced concrete bridge in Serbia. In Kaplarova street, there is a concrete bridge or "white bridge", built in 1974.

On the waters of the Timok, in addition to the city bridges, there are about twenty bridges in the area of ​​the Knjaževac municipality. Stone, concrete or iron bridges have been built over numerous rivers, and there is a bridge in almost every village in the municipality.

By crossing these bridges for years, the residents of the surrounding settlements moved towards other settlements and regions.

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