“Moj dan u Knjaževcu”: Spomen park Timočanima

Portal Glas Nacije u serijalu tekstova “Moj dan u Knjaževcu” će Vas odvesti na ovo mesto da Vam predstavi kulturne i ostale znamenitosti grada.

U samom centru Knjaževca nalazi se Spomen park, koji je deo kulturno-istorijskog nasleđa grada i predstavlja spomenik Timočanima palim u ratovima. Odaje se počast palim borcima od balknaskih preko svetskih ratova. U parku je takodje podignuto i spomen obelžje za vojnike Crvene armije. Tokom devedesetih godina dodata su obeležja i za žrtve tokom rata u Jugoslaviji 1991.-1995. godine, kao i Nato bombardovanja 1999.

Specifični spomenici za ovaj park su krajputaši, koje je narod podizao pored puteva i na taj način mislio na one koji su živote izgubili u borbama.

Arhitekta je Bogdan Bogdanović, koji je u kamenu napravio reljefne simbole i predstave, a crvena boja označava krv srpskih vojnika koja se prolila u borbi za slobodu.

Na ulazu u park stoji spomen tabla sa pesmom Ivana Lalića.

Posetite ovo mesto i odajte im počast.

Portal Glas Nacije in the series of texts "My day in Knjaževac" will take you to this place to present you the cultural and other sights of the city.

In the very center of Knjaževac is the Memorial Park, which is part of the city's cultural and historical heritage and is a monument to the people of Timo who fell in the wars. Tributes are paid to the fallen fighters from the Balkan wars through the world wars. A memorial to the soldiers of the Red Army was also erected in the park. During the 1990s, markers were added for the victims of the war in Yugoslavia in 1991-1995. year, as well as the NATO bombings in 1999.

The specific monuments for this park are krajputashi, which the people erected by the roadside and in this way thought of those who lost their lives in the battles.

The architect is Bogdan Bogdanović, who created relief symbols and representations in stone, and the red color signifies the blood of Serbian soldiers who were shed in the fight for freedom.

At the entrance to the park there is a memorial board with a poem by Ivan Lalić.

Visit this place and pay your respects to them.

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