“Moj dan u Knjaževcu”: Stara čaršija (2.deo)

Portal Glas Nacije u serijalu tekstova “Moj dan u Knjaževcu” će Vas odvesti na ovo mesto da Vam predstavi kulturne i ostale znamenitosti grada.

Stara čaršija ima posebne arhitektonske karakteristike i spoj je balkanske arhitekture. U njoj su radili brojni trgovci i zanatlije, kovači i kazandžije. I dalje postoje brojni objekti kao što su krojači, opančari, sarači, prodavnice sa mešovitom robom, kao i razni ugostiteljski objekti. Boje na svakoj zgradi daju posebnost i ono po čemu se ovo mesto svakako izdvaja.

Spomen park i Staru čaršiju povezuje Kameni most. Ovaj deo grada je uvek bio inspiracija za mnoge slikare i ljubitelje fotografije, a u njoj se snimao i film “Zaseda” u kom su pored poznatih glumaca, učestvovali i meštani. Jedan francuski urbanista je bio inspirisan slikovitošću grada i napravio je crtež koji se čuva u Beogradu, u Narodnom muzeju.

Čaršijom vlada posebna atmosfera, prošetajte ovim delom i uverite se.

Kao sa razglednice, zar ne?

Portal Glas Nacije in the series of texts "My day in Knjaževac" will take you to this place to present you the cultural and other sights of the city.

The old bazaar has special architectural features and is a fusion of Balkan architecture. Numerous merchants and artisans, blacksmiths and coppersmiths worked in it. There are still numerous establishments such as tailors, tailors, tailors, grocery stores, as well as various catering establishments. The colors on each building give it uniqueness and what makes this place stand out.

The Memorial Park and the Old Bazaar are connected by the Stone Bridge. This part of the city has always been an inspiration for many painters and photography lovers, and the movie "Ambush" was filmed there, in which, in addition to famous actors, local people also took part. A French urban planner was inspired by the picturesqueness of the city and made a drawing that is kept in Belgrade, in the National Museum.

The bazaar has a special atmosphere, take a walk through this part and see for yourself.

Just like a postcard, right?

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