“Moje putovanje kroz Novi Beograd”: Hotel Crowne Plaza

U serijalu tekstova “Moje putovanje kroz Novi Beograd” koji slede predstavićemo Vam lokacije na Novom Beogradu koje su od istorijskog značaja, kultna mesta koja čine ovu opštinu najinteresantnijom za turiste koji imaju želju da posete Beograd i Srbiju. Ova opština nudi niz zanimljivosti počevši od istorijskih građevina, noćni provod tokom cele nedelje, obilazak muzeja, verskih objekata, sportskih manifestacija, plovidba rekama i delova koji su poznati samo lokalcima, a koje kada ih jednom posetite – sigurno ćete poželeti i da im se vratite!

Nekadašnji Continental, današnji Crowne Plaza, prvi je hotel koji je otvoren u regionu u sklopu svetski poznatog brenda i predstavlja mrežu visoko ocenjenih objekata. Obzirom na okolinu na poslovnu zonu u kojoj se nalazi može se reći da je lokacija savršena za ovaj tip ugostiteljstva. Bazira se na posetioce iz sveta biznisa koji mogu da iskoriste sve čari koje ovaj objekat nudi, uključujući luksuzne spa centre, fitness i ostale programe za opuštanje.

U sklopu hotela nalazi se ukupno 12 sali za sastanke, restorane i prema zvaničnim podacima najveći hotelski bazen u državi.

U njegovu rekonstrukciju je 2013. godine uloženo vrtoglavih 40 miliona evra, a na projektu je bilo uključeno skoro 1.000 radnika.

In the series of texts “My journey through New Belgrade” that follows, we will present you locations in New Belgrade that are of historical importance, iconic places that make this municipality the most interesting for tourists who want to visit Belgrade and Serbia. This municipality offers a number of interesting things, starting with historical buildings, nightlife throughout the week, visiting museums, religious buildings, sports events, sailing on rivers and parts that are known only to locals, and which once you visit – you will definitely want to come back. ! The former Continental, today’s Crowne Plaza, is the first hotel that opened in the region as part of a world-famous brand and represents a network of highly rated facilities. Considering the business zone in which it is located, it can be said that the location is perfect for this type of hospitality. It is based on visitors from the business world who can take advantage of all the charms that this facility offers, including luxury spa centers, fitness and other relaxation programs. The hotel has a total of 12 meeting rooms, restaurants and, according to official data, the largest hotel pool in the country. In 2013, a dizzying 40 million euros were invested in its reconstruction, and almost 1,000 workers were involved in the project.

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