“Moje putovanje kroz Novi Beograd”: Noćni život na Novom Beogradu

U serijalu tekstova “Moje putovanje kroz Novi Beograd” koji slede predstavićemo Vam lokacije na Novom Beogradu koje su od istorijskog značaja, kultna mesta koja čine ovu opštinu najinteresantnijom za turiste koji imaju želju da posete Beograd i Srbiju. Ova opština nudi niz zanimljivosti počevši od istorijskih građevina, noćni provod tokom cele nedelje, obilazak muzeja, verskih objekata, sportskih manifestacija, plovidba rekama i delova koji su poznati samo lokalcima, a koje kada ih jednom posetite – sigurno ćete poželeti i da im se vratite!

Godinama Beograd važi za grad mladih, mesto gde se u bilo koje doba dana i noći može zabavljati. Na Novom Beogradu, na reci Savi, u potezu od Brankovog mosta pa sve do Zemuna, nalaze se legendarni splavovi. Neki od njih rade tokom dana i na njima možete uživati u degustiranju hrane i pića iz celog sveta, popiti kafu sa pogledom na stari deo grada, luku i Kalemegdan, vekovnu tvrđavu glavnog grada.

Ostatak lokala radi isključivo noću i u letnjem periodu, kada se organizuju nezaboravne žurke sa domaćim muzičkim zvezdama, stranim DJ-evima i svirkama. Na nekima od njih provodi traju do popodnevnih časova narednog dana.

Takođe, postoje i objekti sportskog tipa gde možete rentirati kajak, daske i plivati, naravno uz uslugu restorana.

In the series of texts “My journey through New Belgrade” that follows, we will present you locations in New Belgrade that are of historical importance, iconic places that make this municipality the most interesting for tourists who want to visit Belgrade and Serbia. This municipality offers a number of interesting things, starting with historical buildings, nightlife throughout the week, visiting museums, religious buildings, sports events, sailing on rivers and parts that are known only to locals, and which once you visit – you will definitely want to come back. ! For years, Belgrade has been considered a city of young people, a place where you can have fun at any time of the day or night. In New Belgrade, on the Sava River, in the stretch from Branko Bridge all the way to Zemun, there are legendary rafts. Some of them work during the day and you can enjoy tasting food and drinks from all over the world, drink coffee with a view of the old part of the city, the harbor and Kalemegdan, the centuries-old fortress of the capital. The rest of the bar is open exclusively at night and in the summer, when unforgettable parties are organized with local music stars, foreign DJs and gigs. On some of them, he spends time until the afternoon of the next day. There are also sports facilities where you can rent kayaks, boards and swim, of course with restaurant service.

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