Hram Pokrova Presvete Bogorodice u Staroj Pazovi/The Temple of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in Stara Pazova

Portal Glas Nacije will deal with highlighting tourist potentials of Stara Pazova with series of texts named „My 12 steps in Stara Pazova“. If you are a fan of religious tourism, Stara Pazova is perfect place to visit several religious buildings of great importance.

The Temple of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God is relatively new temple, built in 2007. Church was constructed by architect Milorad Mitrovic using Byzantine-Moravian style. The most interesting fact about this church is that this is the only temple in Serbia where can be seen replica of the Hilandar star in stone.

Portal Glas Nacije u serijalu tekstova pod nazivom „Mojih 12 koraka u Staroj Pazovi” baviće se turističkim potencijalima koje opština Stara Pazova poseduje. Ako ste ljubitelj verskog turizma, Stara Pazova je mesto gde se nalazi nekoliko verskih objekata od velikog značaja. Hram Pokrova Presvete Bogorodice je relativno nov hram, podignut 2007. godine. Crkvu je radio arhitekta Milorad Mitrović u vizantijsko-moravskom stilu. Ova crkva je zanimljiva i po tome, što je jedini hram u Srbiji koji poseduje repliku Hilandarske zvezde u kamenu.

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