(VIDEO) NAJSKUPLJE CIPELE NA SVETU SAMO ZA NJU! Pogledajte cipele od 15 miliona dolara!

Dizajnerka Debi Vingem specijalizovala se za izradu najskupljih “stvarčica” na svetu.


2012. godine, ona je dizajnirala najskuplju haljinu, ukrašenu sa 50-karatnim crnim dijamantima.

Godinu dana kasnije, napravila je najskuplju abaju (odevni predmet koji nose žene u islamskom svetu), ukrašenu retkim crvenim dijamantima, a potom najskuplju tortu za klijenta u Dubaiju.

Sada su na red došle i najskuplje cipele.

Last night was the big reveal of my 4th world's most expensive, the world's most expensive shoe valued at 15.1 million, this time I wasn't a one woman band and I did a collaboration with the AMAZING Chris Campbell from the @shoebakery . It was created for one of my arabian clients who had a portfolio of diamonds and wanted a unique piece of diamond art, the client loves pastries and fashion, a girl out of my own heart, Chris Campbell was my obvious partner since he is excellent at what he does and his mind set is pastry all the way! we designed the shoes together and Chris made them since he is a shoe art master, this is unusual for me since im a control freak and create everything myself with my name on it but Chris doing a WME can be life changing, I'm so glad I could present you this opportunity and let's just say you smashed it!!! #worldsmostexpensivedesigner #worldsmostexpensiveshoe #worldsmostexpensive #luxury #diamonds #diamondart #designer #caketechinques #art #artists #cakeinspo #cake #cakeartist #luxuryshoes #shoes #designeraccessories

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Reč je o sandalama koje je izradila u saradnji sa dizajenerom cipela Krisom Cembelom. Ove štikle ukrašene su retkim ružičastim i plavim dijamantima, a obrubljene belim. Ali, to nisu svi dijamanti koji su ušiveni u ove cipele – ukupno ih ima čak 1.000!

Potplata cipela napravljena je od zlata, a gornji deo od kože obojene 24-karatnim zlatom i šivene zlatnim koncem.

Najskuplje cipele na svetu već imaju vlasnicu. Napravljene su za jednu gospođu iz Dubaija, a cena je neverovatnih 15,1 miliona dolara!


Izvor – StillKurir

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