MRŠAVLJENJE: OVAKO izgledaju ljudi koji su drastično smršali!

Svako od nas drugačije mršavi pa se gubitak težine manifestuje kod nekih tanjim strukom, a kod drugih tanjim nogama


Oni što je sigurno jeste da drastično mršavljenje utiče na celu figuru i nikako ne prolazi nezapaženo, pogotovo kada osoba zbog gubitka kilograma promeni lični opis.

Sara Kronin svakog dana radi po malo na svom izgledu tako što se suzdržava od vina, sira, slatkiša i ugljenih hidrata.

Officially down 30 pounds. 🎉🎉🎉 (Yes, 6 pounds were attributable to having the baby, but I'm celebrating regardless!) I'm not someone who just bounces back from what I have learned, and I'm not someone who looks like she never had a baby. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. I appreciate the progress I make every single day and I don't beat myself up over the wine, cheese, sweets, and carbs that happen here and there. I also don't spend a ton of time working out because I don't have it. But, I show up everyday. I know this works. And I know this will never result in me completely falling off the wagon and gaining it all back. This is flexible. This is sustainable. This is healthy. And this works. It's not a gimmick. It's healthy eating. It's short, high intensity workouts. It's the best nutrition you can get. And it's the best support system you can imagine. And you can take part in it too if you're like me, and need something short, efficient, delicious, and supportive. Like I announced this evening on my Facebook page, I opened up THREE additional spots for my group beginning 5/1 since I know this time is precious and I know the BEST promotion ever from Beachbody is only available for a few more days. To claim one of the final spots in my summer Slimdown, complete the enrollment link in my bio and jump in now! #4monthspostpartum #30poundsdown

A post shared by SARAH CRONIN (@sarahcroninfitmom) on

Rene je uspela da za tri meseca postigne neverovatne rezultate tako što je potpuno promenila svoj način života. Izbacila je pića, počela da se hrani zdravo i da trenira 5 dana u nedelji. Za tri meseca smanjila je konfekcijski broj za 2 i ne namerava da ovde stane.

Lindzi je imala ozbiljan motiv da smrša: nije to učinila zbog boljeg izgleda već zato što je želela bebuKoristila je aplikaciju koja prati unete kalorije i to joj je pomoglo da prati koliko kalorija unese. Za nju je bio neverovatan osećaj što je mogla da prati koliko kalorija je sagorela u teretani.

Ovaj Instagram korisnik koji se potpisuje kao paparazzi85 ističe da je sve u balansu i “čistoj” hrani sa svežim supicama i salatama, koje kombinuje sa proteinskim šejkovima.

Pejdž vežba kod kuće i pokazala je da par tegova kod kuće može mnogo da uradi za vaše zdravlje i izgled ukoliko nemate novca za odlazak u teretanu. Obožava da pije proteinske šejkove i jede obroke na bazi biljaka.

🙌🏻 SELF APPRECIATION SUNDAY 🙌🏻 2 years into my journey and I found these shorts today, and a million things came to mind. 😳😳 My first thought was, How I vividly remember having to suck in to even get the button closed on these effn pink shorts that I couldn't ever throw away, because they were the biggest shorts I owned and for 2 years and I refused to throw them away and get BIGGER ones. So no matter where I was going, to the beach, to a friends, family vacations, I would shove myself into these shorts, stomach and thighs clearly not meant for shorts that size, and I would hate myself. Even if you have only just started your journey, keep pushing. Do it for the days you cried about how you feel in your body, do it for the days that you ate 5000 calories and cried over how tired you were of living that life, do it for the days when you had to pace around the house bawling for hours before you would even leave, because nothing fit, and nothing looked good, do it for every single person who ever made you feel like you are worthless. Do it for all the bad times! Do it for the girl who thought she never could! 🙋🏻 Do it because you deserve it! 🙌🏻 Do it because you love yourself! 🙆🏻 ❤️ Do it for the feeling 2 years later, when you look down and realize you've lost 30 pounds, and completely turned your life around. 😊 ❤️ Today I feel AMAZING 💕🙌🏻 I no longer care what people think of me, this is huge for me. I have always struggled with what people think of me and how I look, self confidence is one Of the hugest challenges I have overcome! Today, I don't care, If someone doesn't like me, and they don't like how I look. I could care less, Because for the first time in forever I LOVE ME 💕❤️💕❤️ I love my body, and I love how hard I had to work to get here. It has taught me So many things, and the most important of them all is I am loved 💕 I am beautiful 💕 My body deserves the best 💕 Hard work pays off 💕 #WeightLossJourney#FitnessJunkie#30PoundsDown#Motivation#GetItGirl#CrushingGoals#LifeStyleCoach#PutYourHealthFirst#OneBodyOneLife#FitnessMotivation#Transformation

A post shared by Paige Oxtoby (@paige_oxtoby) on

Kada dostignete željeni izgled ne trebate da se opustite i prestanete da radite na sebi. Put do željenog izgleda je dugo putovanje, a dolazak na konačnu destinaciju nije konačan. Ova Instagram korisnica pokazala je da i godinama nakon što je dostigla idealnu fuguru ne prestaje sa vežbama.

Laurel je jela kao pećinska žena i gledala kako se kilogrami tope. Paleo dijeta koju je držala fokusirana je na izbacivanju moderne hrane kao što su mlečni proizvodi i prerađena hrana. Ovakva ishrana naučno dokazano čini čuda za izgled.


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